Contact detailsVerein SEET 8800 Thalwil Schweizseet@seet.chVerein SEET 8800 Thalwil IBAN: CH43 0839 0037 2219 1000 3 BIC: ABSOCH21Scan me with your banking app!Write to usWe look forward to receiving your messages and will reply as soon as possible. "*" indicates required fields Name*First name*Email* PhoneAbteilung*Enquiries about the association and cooperations | seet@seet.chEnquiries about the programme | program@seet.chEnquiries from mentees & mentors | mentoring@seet.chFinancial enquiries | finances@seet.chCommunication requests | communication@seet.chMessageThis website is protected by reCAPTCHA. The Google Privacy policy and Terms of use.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. * Compulsory fields