Become a partner

Would you like to support SEET with your skills or as an organisation? We welcome support of any kind, for example with:

  • skills you can share with mentees, mentors or the SEET team.
  • sharing your own experiences.
  • arranging work placements or contact points.
  • events, training or workshops (past workshops have ranged from stakeholder management for the association to CV workshops for the mentees).
  • venues.
  • discounts for language courses or childcare.

If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to email us. Thank you very much!

Our current partners

We are grateful to be supported by organisations and individuals as partners in many ways!


  • Anita Bäumli, AAA Communications
  • Dr. Antonia Kreibich
  • Dr. Naser Morina

Partner organisations

Stiftung der evangelischen Gesellschaft des Kantons Zürich
ETH Student Project House
AWK Group AG
START! Studium, Univeristät Zürich
Offener Hörsaal Basel, Universität Basel
Discovery Semester, ETH Zürich
Anlaufstelle für Geflüchtete, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
International Relations Office, Berner Fachhochschule
Offener Hörsaal Bern, Universität Bern
Perspektiven - Studium, Verein Schweizer Studierendenschaften
VSETH - Verband der Studierenden an der ETH
Project Neptun
Volunteer Vision

Webspatz Webdesign
Gregor B. Altenburger

Ernst Göhner Stiftung

collaboratio helvetica

Bain & Company

Canton of Zurich

ici. here together. Migros