SEET Support Education, Empower Together.

Education is key to integration, to perspectives, to understanding, to self-realisation and much more. That's why education is so fundamental - and should be accessible to everyone. This is what the association SEET works for: we offer a study support programme for refugees.

As part of this, we support refugees in (re)starting their studies in Switzerland by providing them with professional mentoring, a broad network, career workshops and situational financial support.

Thus, SEET advocates for the untouchable right to education and at the same time promotes sustainable integration and self-determination.


New: Support programme now also for male refugees

As part of a test run, we would like to break new ground and take a further step towards inclusivity and diversity:

Our support programme, which previously focused on female refugees, is now also open to male refugees for the first time in the new 2024/25 mentoring round! We look forward to receiving new applications.

Our support programme

Would you like to know what the support programme includes, who can participate and how it works? Or would you like to support us? Here you can find all of the information and our flyer for interested participants:

Sign up for our newsletter!

The SEET newsletter provides you with more information on our funding programme, our organisation and partners. We will also keep you up to date on exciting events and important dates, such as the start of the application phase.

Interested? Subscribe to our newsletter and benefit from interesting stories every two to three months.


SEET on social media

  • vor 2 Tagen von

    🤗 Wir wurden eingeladen, SEET beim ETH for Development - ETH4D student lunch vorzustellen! Die ETH4D-Studentenlunches finden monatlich statt und bieten allen, von Bachelor-Studenten bis zu Post-Docs, die Möglichkeit, sich über das gemeinsame Interesse an globaler nachhaltiger Entwicklung auszutauschen. Wir können eine Teilnahme am nächsten Lunch sehr empfehlen! *** 🤗 We were invited to introduce SEET at the ETH4D student lunch! ETH4D student lunches take place monthly and offer an opportunity for everyone from bachelors students to post-docs to connect over a shared interest in global sustainable development. We can highly recommend joining! #SEET #mentoring #studienförderprogramm #education #bildung #chancengleichheit
  • vor 3 Wochen von

    🌎🌍🌏 Stadtrundgang ZH Kolonial 🌎🌍🌏 Wir haben einen Stadtrundgang zum Thema Kolonialgeschichte in Zürich gemacht, organisiert von der Anny Klawa-Morf Stiftung. Wir sind dankbar für die Gelegenheit, mehr über diesen oft übersehenen Teil der Schweizer Geschichte zu lernen und Bewusstsein zu schaffen. Vielen Dank an die Anny Klawa-Morf I Stiftung, Fondation, Fondazione für diese informative Tour! 🗺️ 🚶‍♂️ *** 🌎🌍🌏 City walk ZH Kolonial 🌎🌍🌏 We had an engaging city walk about the colonial history in Zurich, organized by the Anny-Klawa-Morf Foundation. We are grateful for the opportunity to learn more about this often overlooked part of the Swiss history and to raise awareness. Thank you to the Anny Klawa-Morf I Stiftung, Fondation, Fondazione for this informative walk! 🗺️ 🚶‍♂️ #SEET #mentoring #studienförderprogramm #education #bildung #chancengleichheit
  • vor 4 Wochen von

    🎓 Wrap-Up Event der Mentoringrunde 2023/24 Unsere Mentoringrunde 2023/24 fand ihren Abschluss bei unserem Wrap-Up Event. Die Mentoring-Paare haben gemeinsam das vergangene Jahr reflektiert. Eine Zeit des Lernens, Wachsens und der gegenseitigen Unterstützung geht zu Ende. Wir wünschen allen Mentees und Mentoren für ihre zukünftigen Wege nur das Beste! 🌟💪 *** 🎓 Wrap-Up Event of the 2023/24 Mentoring Round Recently, our mentoring round of 2023/24 concluded with our wrap-up event. In this event, mentoring couples came together to reflect on the past year. As a period of learning, growth, and mutual support comes to a close, we wish all mentees and mentors the very best on their future paths! 🌟💪 #SEET #mentoring #studienförderprogramm #education #bildung #chancengleichheit
  • vor 8 Wochen von

    ✨ SEET Teamevent ✨ In gemütlicher Atmosphäre und bei leckerer Pizza haben wir unser erstes Teamevent dieses Jahr genossen. Eine hervorragende Möglichkeit für die verschiedenen SEET Teams sich auszutauschen und Freundschaften zu stärken. *** ✨ SEET team event ✨ In a cozy atmosphere and with delicious pizza, we enjoyed our first team event of the year. An excellent occasion for the various SEET teams to exchange ideas and strengthen friendships. #SEET #mentoring #studienförderprogramm #education #bildung #chancengleichheit

Useful links

Here we have put together some useful links to more information about studying and integrating in Switzerland:

Perspektiven Studium: The organisation supports refugees by providing advice and information on university admission, the Swiss education system, funding and much more.

Sportegration: The organisation offers sports, language and other courses for the successful and sustainable integration of refugees in Switzerland.